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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#9 Home


          Everything has its own beginning and probably an end, for us humans we cannot specifically determined what is the exact and how we came to existence. Some evidence were discovered and link it to us in a reasonable ways, some said that in a blink of an eye we came to what we are now and some said that we evolved from a bacteria that came out of nowhere. It’s up to us what view are we going to consider, but the main point is we humans dominate the control of everything around us, we consider ourselves as  the highest creature in terms of using our mind.
           Thousands of years and thousands of trials to develop our state of living, we humans didn’t satisfy on our wants and needs, we struggled hard to discover what the world can offer us and utilize it in its fullest. Progress on us is like a speed of light, using our imaginative minds we invented sort of things that can make our jobs be easy.
          Most of the good results of our discovery benefits us, but the side effects conceived by the living things around us. For example are the reserved minerals that man found on the deep part of our planet, energies that are non-renewable, but we still us it and utilize it rampantly. What might be the results of these acts?
          We can now manifest the results of what we were doing in the past couple of years, climate change is one that ruins our stable life, and it brings some microbial and viral diseases. For that matter, humans again seek for the cure of it, using all the possible resources that our nature can offer. Most of the western countries pioneered these discoveries, and in the other point eastern countries benefits least from it, but if we analyze it well the eastern part of our world has more natural resources. Western countries still struggled to discover new things without considering the bad effects of what they are doing.
           Is it too late for us to make a change and bring back the healthy features of our planet? For me it’s a big no! The movie Home shows some evidence of our existence and how humans ruined it slowly. For some point it’s not too late for us to bring back the good features of our planet. As I watch the movie, I realized how we destroy our home, and in some point in my mind, I can say, “It’s not too late for us to save our mother Earth that caters us and give us our needs without asking for any returned favors.”  

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